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Photo © Howard Guest

Keith Moffatt

I am an Emeritus Professor of Mathematical Physics in the University of Cambridge, a member of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), and a Life Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge


email: h.k.moffatt at

My research field is Fluid Dynamics and its applications, particularly in Geophysics and Astrophysics. My PhD thesis in 1962 was entitled Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, a subject that I have returned to regularly ever since. 


Magnetic fields are ubiquitous  in planets, stars and galaxies, and indeed in the intergalactic medium. We have seen a huge revolution in the understanding of how such magnetic fields are generated, by a process of turbulent dynamo action in rotating conducting fluids. I have been privileged to contribute to this great field of scientific endeavour at critical stages in the development of the subject. 

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I am fortunate to live by the banks of the River Cam in Cambridge, with my wife Linty. We celebrated our Golden Wedding Anniversary in December 2010.

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I have also contributed to other areas of fluid dynamics:  slow viscous flow, free surface flow, vortex dynamics, and the more recently emerging field of Topological Fluid Dynamics, in which I have played a key role.


In these pages, I offer an informal discussion of these topics  in conjunction with comments on a selection of my published papers -- a full list of these can be found here, a Google scholar citation list here, and my cv here.


This is followed by a brief account of my early years, an account of my periods of  leave from Cambridge and visits to other Universities and Institutes around the world,  my three years at Bristol University, my period as Director of the Newton Institute, and my involvement with AIMS (the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences).   I conclude with some family matters and some 'rhyme and rhythm' for which I must plead indulgence; do skip to these final sections if the science bores you!

The Cam froze exceptionally in January/February 1963, and again in January 1982, and like Raeburn's clergyman, I could skate to work!


This photo was taken

Linty at 18

This photo was taken by XXX in Mackies Restaurant

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